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On this page of my website you find the Newsletter. Here you can see a bit more about what I am doing at the moment and what I have already done with my project. I like to improve my film skills and I like to make the updates always in the form of a little video of what I have done. I hope you like it and if you want to get updates of new video's or blog you can subscribe to my youtube channel and to my newsletter to receive an email at the moment that I post a new update.



nieuwsletter 9 (En, Sp, Nl)

Beste geïnteresseerden in mijn project, Ten eerste wens ik iedereen een gelukkig 2019! Bij deze stuur ik jullie weer een kleine update...

Newsletter 8 (video)

The last week of the Eco Bus America try out tour in Europe. Click here to open the video on youtube. This week we arrived in Brussels...

Newsletter 7 (video)

Week 7 of the Eco Bus America try out tour in Europe. Arriving in Monaco was a enormous contrast. Even more because 2 days before we...

Newsletter 6 (video)

This is week 6 of the Try-out tour in Europe. We realize the project is actually working. Schools are calling us to visit their schools....

Newsletter 5 (video)

This week we arrived in Murcia. Click here to see the video on our youtube channel. We met a lot of great people in Murcia that helped us...

Newsletter 4 (video)

This week the festival at Formentera took place! A great succes! Click here to see the video on the youtube channel or click below ont...

Newsletter 3 (video)

Week 3 of the Eco Bus America tryout tour in Europe! Follow us on our youtube channel facebook and Instagram. Click here to see the video...

Newsletter 2 (video)

Week 2 of the 'Eco Bus America' tryout tour in Europe Click on this link to open it on our youtube canal. This week we arrived in France...

Newsletter 1 (video)

Click here to see the video. This week we started our adventure in Europe. This is the video of our first week of the 'Eco Bus America'...

Newsletter 1 (Nederlandse tekst)

Beste lezers, Ik ben nu ongeveer twee maanden weer terug in Nederland waar ik al ruim 2,5 jaar niet heb gewoond. Het is ontzettend leuk...

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